Let’s Celebrate Women’s Health! Look Back at Your Progress March 8, 2023 is International Women’s Day. Jeevam Therapy wants to dedicate this day to highlighting women’s physical and mental health. We ask every woman to reserve time today from their busy schedules to reflect on their habits, routine, and overall life satisfaction or happiness. Make
Category: healthy tips

Does Your Baby Have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Here Are Common Signs and Ways to Find Out.
Does your baby look away when you call his/her name? This could be a sign of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Your house seems filled with the joy of a new arrival. A new baby! How exciting! You can’t wait to talk to him/her. Babies typically make eye contact when they are 4 months of age, and

Trisomy-21: If Anything, It Should Be an Up-Syndrome!
March 21st, 2021 is World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) It’s known that children born with trisomy 21, also commonly known as “Down Syndrome”, have certain distinct facial features, overall hypotonia (floppy or rag doll-like muscle tone), and intellectual disability (ID) or learning disability. It used to be a common perception that if a person was