What is VACTERL Association? VACTERL is an acronym that stands for vertebral abnormalities, anal atresia, cardiac abnormalities, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal abnormalities, and limb abnormalities. People who have VACTERL association have three or more of the complications. “Abnormality” is a common medical term for a deformity. VACTERL is also recognized as VATER syndrome representing vertebral abnormalities, anal
Scoliosis 3D Therapy Equipment: What Do You Need?
Apr3rd 2023Patients who start the Schroth method will need equipment to perform the exercises to the best of their ability. Most of the equipment will be used for the correctional exercises in the Schroth method. Some of the equipment may be regularly found in stores, gyms, or in your personal collection at home, while other equipment
Fall Flu Season: Preventative Measure Vaccination!
Oct30th 2022General Guideline What is a vaccination? A vaccine primes the immune system with a weakened or killed version of a germ so that the body can be prepared to fight against the infectious version of the germ as stated by WHO (2021) and CDC (2022). The immune system is a natural defense for the body